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Sunday, April 14, 2013

You gotta go you gotta go!!

Sitting in class bored out of our minds when suddenly, you have that overwhelming sensation that you have to pee. You get up quietly to ask the teacher if you can use the restroom. They always reply, “Is it an emergency?” All I can think in my head is; Yes it’s an emergency, if it wasn’t I wouldn’t ask to leave!

This situation can get you into some big trouble in many occasions for example:

1. If people always ask to go

2. If you have to go in that class every day

3. If the class is particularly boring that day

These teachers tend to not understand that 1. It’s not your fault other people have to go at the same time as you. 2. Your body is put on a schedule, and it likes to stay that way. And 3. I don’t care how boring the class is, I just really have to go pee. I think kids are really misunderstood. If I had to bet, I bet teachers just think we are doing hood rat activities in the hallways instead of going to the bathroom which in some cases is true. But if they did think we had other intentions other than using the facilities, why don’t they do something about it. And when I say do something about it, I do not mean take away the privilege of going to the bathroom. Instead, they could follow the student if they care so much. This tactic could get a little bit creepy, but hey, they would get what they wanted to know wouldn’t they?

Another thing I don’t understand is why some teachers make you leave your cell phone before using the restroom. To me this is just helping the ticking time bomb of my bladder speed up. It’s not like I’m going to sit on the toilet and text my friends while peeing, that’s disgusting. Plus wouldn’t the teachers rather their students use their phone in the hallways/bathroom instead of disrupting their class and ignoring their teaching? These things just don’t make sense to me.

For all of you teachers out there; just know that when a student is asking to use the restroom, in most cases, it really is an emergency there’s no need to ask. And for the students reading along, don’t take the bathroom experience to your advantage, you never know when you’re really going to need it. Oh, and look out for the crazy teacher who follow you through the hall to the bathroom, its borderline creepy.

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