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Sunday, October 21, 2012


                Every one has favorites. Favorite colors, things, songs, shows, etc. But you rarely hear any one talk about their favorite word. Personally my favorite word is awkward. I don’t really know why but I love it. Maybe it the fascination I find in awkward situations or the way it rolls off the tongue. Either way it is an awesome word.
                I tend to over use the word awkward a lot, I don’t try to it’s just the first thing that pops in my head so I say it. Another cool thing about the word awkward is how I can shorten it and it still sounds awesome. If I ever encounter an awkward situation I will just say “awk” instead of the long version. It’s cool because people still understand what I’m saying without having to add that extra syllable. Another word that I over use way to much is swag.  I use swag due to how cliché it became when all the rappers starting say swag and how much of it they had. So now I use it to poke fun at all the people that have so much swag. Instead of saying cool I just tend to yell swag and if something bad happens I just yell not swag.
                Since we are on the topics of words I was reminded with the trick of just saying a word out loud for a long time until the word doesn’t even sound like a word anymore. Which makes me think of the creation of words, like how does someone put letters together and make sounds that mean something? I know these are random thoughts but I cannot just sit down and blog about something so I’m just writing about my thoughts.
                So think what your favorite word is and why.

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