Yesterday while I was just chilling flipping through the channels I saw that The Walking Dead was on so I click on it and I saw that it was the first ever episode and that there was a marathon. I know I’m probably a little late knowing about this show but I don’t have Netflix and I don’t like starting to watch series in the middle of a season so I never watched it before but I’m glad I did.
If you have never seen it, it is about the world during a zombie apocalypse. Which I think would be fun to live in. Honestly I think I would enjoy living during the zombie apocalypse. Living in a place that has no rules or anything, even though you have the constant threat of being eaten by zombies. The hardest part about the apocalypse would be losing people, like family or friends. But it’s just like life now, people are going to die it’s just a little different way of death. Even though I would want to live in the zombie apocalypse I don’t think that it can happen. I think it is impossible that dead people can come back alive and eat people. And even if people can become zombies I don’t think that they would be able to take over like they do in the movies.
Back to the Walking Dead, if you haven’t seen it watch it and become addicted. The new season is starting up on the 15th and I can’t wait to see it. I promise that you will want to keep watching and watching.